Feb 4, 2015

Mustang Celebrates 50 Years

Innovation is always a powerful weapon against failure, and if you know the story, and the product lineup the Ford Global Performance group is set to bring to market in the next few years, you know that Americans are storming the world’s beaches again.

Gone are the rebadged boxy Kitschmobiles that were the laughing stock of the world automotive stage of decades past. Ford Global is ushering in a new era with a set of truly innovative world class cars like the 2015 Ford Mustang.

For its 50th birthday, the pony car is going global, and it’s happening in a way many people considered impossible for the American automotive manufacturing machine. Those people were wrong, Ford is proving that.

Global Demands of a North American Sourced Vehicle

To meet the demands of a globally sourced vehicle, the Ford Mustang had to adapt to a laundry list of individual specifications to meet the rigors of every climate, country regulation, and performance standards well different than just here in the states.

The car’s endurance needed to meet the blazing hot temperatures of the middle east, the viciously abusive roads of China, the safety standards of Europe, accommodate both left and right hand steering, along with complying with differing emission standards, and it had to do it all while giving the global buyer a reason to what it in the first place. That is, it had to stand up to some stiff, and very competent, global performance vehicles.

In addition to the mechanical standards, the logistics of sourcing a global car from the states requires shipping, proper customs documentation in the destination language, and tracking data so the engineers and designers here in the states can hook up and get the pulse of the globe.

Of all the American automotive manufacturers sourcing the globe with a North American built car, nobody is doing it like Ford. In 2013 Ford shipped over 380,000 vehicles built in the states around the globe, and that number breeched 400,000 in 2014.

Meeting the Needs of All Markets

Tooling up a global car takes heaps of knowhow and preparation. Engineers had to grapple with bringing the Mustang to the global buyer in its American style and form while making sure it satisfied the moving target of country by country specific issues.

  • The 2015 Ford Mustang was global from the womb. Designers created the hardtop and the convertible knowing it would hit showrooms in Europe, Asia, China, and points in between, but they kept its American style, a key selling point.
  • Manufacturing has to allow for both right and left hand steering configurations to allow the car to easily adopt to overseas markets.
  • Air conditioning, cooling, and the engine compartment need to operate effortlessly in searing desert heat and withstand blowing sand.
  • It has to be able to handle Autobahn speeds.
  • The car has to take the abuse of rough roads in China.
  • To meet European pedestrian regulations, the front end is low and gradually builds into the hood.

All these challenges have been met, and as the American Icon turns 50, it’s set to take the world by storm in a ground leading charge that’s going to see more North American innovation landing on shores around the globe.

The American is Here

The story goes that in 1981, an American dealership owner stumbled across a Geni’s lamp. Curious, he gave it a rub and out popped a Geni saying “Your wish is my command”.

The dealer thought about it for a bit, and considering the state of the 1981 American car market and pondering how his competing Japanese dealerships rake in the bucks, he thought of the single wish that would satisfy his longing for success. He looked at the Geni and said “I would like a brand new, Japanese car dealership”.

Your wish is granted said the Geni, and with the requisite “poof” the dealer received his wish. In the next instant he found himself, to his dismay, in his brand new Cadillac dealership centrally located in the heart of Tokyo. Nobody was impressed.

It’s not 1981 anymore, and soon, very soon, the heart of Tokyo and cities around the world are going to be rocked with an American classic, the Ford Mustang.

Come on in to Ford Lincoln of Franklin at 1129 Murfreesboro Road here in Franklin and see for yourself how Ford is ready to rock the world. Or give us a call right now at 615-794-4585 and schedule a drive in the world class 2015 Ford Mustang.

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